viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

¿Build on the rock or on the sand?

There is a popular phrase reads, this walk because he sees others walking. If something is obviously a step is knowing where will tread, locate the destination project displacement and action, is also basic to improve techniques in each one of the things that make even practice although some strive to do so with errors, not to overcome them, if not to commit larger and in less time. When this is done as behavior in order to impose a system or ideal triggering loss of values of the quality of life, safety and freedoms, I am sure worthy Word is the least appropriate to describe it. Dignus comes from Latin and means valuable, and dignity is a value we have by the mere fact of being human, is not given by an individual or external conditions, it is of if the recognition to be free, reasoning and decision-making in a critical way to improve your life and exercise the freedom in all areas.
New political marketing has committed to sell the word worth something occurring and a value-added - Socialist special - noting almost anything to add the Word as surname, as something out of series that is above previously known, leading him to a level unattainable any criticism, excellence of public officials say their answers are decent, productive lands expropriated now worthy, worthy judicial actions that favour the Government, the people of Cuba is worthy, victims are worthy and now to the new law for shelters there expressed in its title these are worthy, but there is dignity of the Lady is not in the street waiting for the first that happens to sell her body? What there dignity that work throughout your life and lives of renting the apartment I buy? We do the dignity of the University that dies due to the underworld? And the dignity of the housewife to decide eat less by inflation? They are equal in dignity? Or compare of those who sold their conscience money or tranquility, worthy is who took the decision to move forward and find shelter for their children and to believe in promises looking for "temporary" solution built on sand, but as the sand, the dignity is undermined when requested, year after year along with thousands that the authority to invest in the stabilization of the ground, in houses, which perform services, who hear them, but occurs as undesirable, wins the nature to indolence and pass to be affected or "Called worthy" not understand those who tried to take away the dignity they are those who now wish to thank.
There are many reasons to not criticize - but the logic makes it difficult - who built his house on sand and not on the rock, but is of vital importance to understand a society not built on sand, on the basis of the infringement, inefficiency, corruption, personalism, impunity, insecurity and the lie on behalf of a revolution. Societies are built on the rock of moral values, Concord, progress, justice, freedom, pluralism, the quality of life and respect for the ideas.
That as many years ago when I cornerstone Bible - Matthew 7, 21-27 - not only is construction techniques, it is recognizing which is the arena and what the rock so start building society we deserve.

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